We will be using Gradescope for homework submission.
Homework is due Fridays at 11:59PM.
You will have a total of 72 late hours for the homeworks. After you use all 72 late hours, late work won't be accepted anymore.
You may discuss the homework as a group, but must write your own code and your own solutions individually. If you work with a partner/group, you must declare your partners in writing on your homework. that you may not search for past solutions to these homework questions online.
The homework will use the Julia language. If you are asked to turn in code, the code must be in Julia. Other languages will not be supported or graded.
Homework accounts for 80% and final exam accounts for 20% of the final grade.
Homework solutions are posted on Ed.
Homework 1, due Friday 04/12, at 11:59PM.
Homework 2, due Friday 04/19, at 11:59PM.
Homework 3, due Friday 04/26, at 11:59PM.
Homework 4, due Friday 05/03, at 11:59PM.
Homework 5, due Friday 05/10, at 11:59PM.
Homework 6, due Friday 05/17, at 11:59PM.
Homework 7, due Friday 05/24, at 11:59PM.
Homework 8, due Monday 06/03, at 11:59PM.